When did yoga…

8 Mar

Equal sex?  For serious

I used to think it was funny how people equate flexibility with sexuality.  It reminded me of a Seinfeld episode when he dates a gymnast.  THAT was funny.  And then something happened, I became a more serious yoga teacher and I got real.

Sure. Yoga connects me to my body.  But as something to HONOR.  Something to respect.  Something to take care of.  Yoga is not a butt style.  Or, pick up joint!

At least it does not have to be…

Personally, I practice (and teach) yoga as a way to let go.  I work on releasing self-defeating rhetoric.  I work on remembering nothing is static or fixed.  Not. A. Thing.  I practice yoga to acknowledge I have a body and I better damn well start nurturing it.  I practice to FEEL alive.

Yoga can be a tool to let go of a TON of bullshit which feels shrouding at times.  For me, yoga is my way to take things off.  Right now.  But not my clothing…  COME ON PEOPLE!

So it is saddening that there are other (real) yoga realities.  But, then again, there always are.  In everything.

Maybe that’s another thing that yoga ‘means’:  humanity.  And, HUMILITY. 

Yoga is humility.

For me, there was a time when I came to my mat everyday to stare my humanity in the face.  It’s deeply there.  And, my yoga practice has helped me embrace it.  It still does.  Humility– that’s a practice too.  Daily.

Remembering:  we just don’t know

And, if you know about the human scandal (which loosely inspired this post) that comes with things that are alive please take the time to read Mark Morford’s very well-informed, FUNNY, ‘yogic’ response!

Namaste humans 🙂

2 Responses to “When did yoga…”

  1. Danielle March 8, 2012 at 10:51 am #

    I am so glad you linked that last article. I tea the NYT one before and was so confused and didn’t know what to believe…. And it’s so easy to be swayed by anything ANYONE says when you don’t know much about a subject. I feel so much better after reading mark’s response…. Even if I am just believing everything I hear :p mark’s ideas resonate with me. Thanks girl!!!

    • Jamie March 12, 2012 at 8:41 pm #

      Thank you for reading! And, for allowing yourself to have / change an opinion. That’s where the growth happens… 🙂

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